It was a particularly windy day when we went. Quite chilly, actually. That is why I decided to go and find a pho place. I remember seeing pho restaurants around chinatown, but couldn't recall where they were. And so we walked around and found the Pho 88. I'm sure a lot of people know where it is. It looks really nice. Too nice for a pho place, if you ask me. Honestly, all you need is good food and a decent interior. Meh. Points for trying to hard.. lol. When we walked in, most of the tables in the restaurant were being occupied. It's funny, because when I was explaining 'pho restaurants' to my friend, I mentioned that there's always people there eating. Always. And during lunch, people always go in and out. That's what I love about pho. it's so quick. Come in, sit, order, eat, pay the bill, and leave. Some people wolf down their bowls sooo quickly! It's nuts. Anyway, yes. The restaurant smelt good. It smelt like a typical pho restaurant.
While Ben was trying to wrap his mind around all of the menu choices, I suggested that he get either a bowl of pho, like I was going to have, or the vermicelli salad with spring rolls and the BBQ pork. Attracted by the small picture of the vermicelli salad on the menu, Ben decided to order that.
I was excited for pho. The last time I had it was back when I went to Ottawa over the Thanksgiving long weekend. Oh, and I've never had pho in Toronto. Wait, that's a lie. Never mind. This is the third time. It's pretty rare when I eat pho in Toronto. Crazy, eh? Well, I guess when you have the best noodles (my noodles) being made here in Toronto, there's no need for pho. Plus, you know what? Homemade pho is better. I'm sure it's healthier, too! Alrighty.. so back to our late lunch/early dinner...
We were both excited about what we ordered. Ben's dish came out first.

Now the picture doesn't really show it, but it was a huge spring roll. Man, looking at the picture now, it looks really REALLY good. Back then, I didn't think anything of it because only pho was in my mind.
My small bowl of pho came not long after Ben's dish came out. It's not a good picture of it, but whatever. It's a picture for you all to see - it's better than nothing!

So our early dinner came up under $20. It's expected. That's with Ben's strawberry and banana milkshake. lol
That is the first real food entry in a very long time. Since what... February? Yikes.
[Update: Wow. So much trouble uploading these damn pictures. Be happy that the pics are up... BE HAPPY!!]
[Update 2: I tried to upload the pictures again into a medium sized picture, just to see if it'll work.. AND IT DID! I'm very happy.]
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