The weather is screaming for some homemade bún with spring rolls, BBQ pork or chicken, herbs, and cold veggies. But we rarely have (homemade) spring rolls in the freezer. So what is Plan B?

Lucy's version of banh mi.
Sandwiches! Yeah, yeah, I know sandwiches are typically eaten at lunch… but it’s so simple to make and you don’t have to break a sweat in the kitchen! And you can also put a dent in your full fridge by using up some of your leftovers and groceries.
Jimmy was uncharacteristically motivated to make food a few Saturdays ago. We rummaged through the fridge and began to put things on the dining table. Jimmy started to stir-fry some mushrooms, red onions, and spinach with a few seasonings first. This is a variation of Jimmy's go-to dish: stir-fried mushrooms.
Jimmy fried an egg and then began to put his triple-decker sandwich together; A bit of chicken, some salami, the fried egg, and a bit of spinach.
The finals stages; some stir-fried mushroom stuff, ranch dressing, and salami was topped on a slice of buttered bread.
This is the not-so-pretty side of the sandwich.
It does look good though – even to me. Let me direct your attention to the melted processed cheese. The fried egg didn't melt the cheese, it was the hot weather - no joke!
My sandwich looks pathetic when you compare Jimmy’s sandwich to mine. There was chicken, BBQ sauce, and cheese squished between lightly buttered bread.
I think the best sandwich that was made that afternoon was Lucy’s banh mi. She generously spread liver pâté on a slice of bread and then topped it with a few slices of a Vietnamese sausage.
The egg sat atop the Vietnamese sausage, while a fried egg was dressed with some of Mom’s slaw.
The slice of buttered bread was sprinkled with some seasoning sauce.
The last thing on Lucy’s banh mi was cilantro.
Oh man, I can’t believe I didn’t try this! But thinking back, it probably would’ve ruined my appetite for my wimpy sandwich.
Although we had these sandwiches for lunch, you can easily make sandwiches for dinner. The best was is to have a few people make their own type of sandwich and then share it around the table. It would be nice to chase the sandwiches down with some cold smoothies...
Yum...all those sandwiches look really good. I swear, eggs make everything tastes better :)